Friday, June 01, 2012

Calicia, Clana, Chlark, or Clois by Rebekah Walton

There are others but theses I believe (if I am wrong tell me) are the most common shippings of girls with Clark. I will discuss each one separetly later in more detail but for now, I am going to do an overview of each shipping and of course my personal opinion on which is the best. Calicia- science geek who teleports and Clark Kent. I generally prefer this couple abve the rest (Yes, I am a Calicia fan.)

Clana- the love of Clark's teenage years and Clark Kent. I don't really like this couple at all.( I will definitely explain why later.)

Chlark- the girl who crushes on Clark and Clark Kent. This is my second favorite.
Clois- the girl who finally gets Clark and Clark Kent. This is my third favorite. ( Only in Smallville it my first favorite outside of Smallville.)

I will explain why I think this way in later posts.

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