Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Smallville: Why is it a addicting Tv show by Rebekah Walton

      Yes, I am an avid fan of Smallville. For those of you who don't know that is a live action tv show about Clark Kent/ Superman (for those of you people too lazy or don't care enough to look it up on Wikipedia.) It is not really an intriguing plot, infact, most people can predict what will in almost every single episode. But despite all that there are many reasons why some people are so addicted to this show and why it lasted 10 seasons (I am not kidding, it lasted 10 seasons.)

 Some people watched it for the comedy (which there was in the show but certainly not enough to last through 10 seasons).

   Others watched for certain actors( my sister was one of them, the one who likes Twilight not the Austenite.).

     Still others (me included) watched it because we were bored and it had a lot of love drama that made us want to watch it to find out who will get together with who.

      Some of us liked side characters and watched it just for them and others were watching only because they loved the tv show theme song.

       Some of us watched it when it first came out others of us watched it all last year. But no matter when you started or why you continued at least for a number of seasons (maybe not the whole thing) we were all fans of it.

    (Except for the people who were not.) But for those of us that were let us remember why we started and the things we liked about it even if we hated everything else. Here are some pictures to bring us back to the good old times of the first seasons.

Here is a link to the theme song:

P.S. For those who were wondering it is bascially a superhero soap opera.

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