Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hunger Games *Spoilers* Rated by Rebekah Walton

     Some of you may know from my previous posts that I really dislike the Hunger Games. Now, is the time to go into the reasons why.
There are many reasons why but I think I will only list the best reasons why I dislike this series and rate this series as well tell anyone who does not know what happened in the books.

 (Big Spoilers) I recommend if you want to avoid reading the books go to wikipedia and read about the series there, watch a couple parodies on youtube and finish reading this post.

     By then you should know enough to be able to speak like you have read the books and really pretend and fool people into thinking you know what you are talking about. First, I will rate these books with (all three) with a D+.

I do not have a clue if Miss Collins wrote any other books but I will assume she did and that they weren't that bad. Anyway on to the stories.

      In the first book, we meet a girl named Katniss she is main character in all three stories and it is told from her point of view. (She is one of the reasons these stories get a bad rating. I find her very annoying, a know it all (who really does not know it all) and a totally proud almost haughty girl.)

       Katniss has trouble not hating her mother for not being able to really function after Katniss'dad's death, and she hates the cat that her sister Primrose loves. Katniss also can not figure out that the boy whose name is Gale is in love with her. (It was totally obvious to everyone else.)

       Katniss decides that she will volunteer for her sister and really that is the only thing so far that anyone can relate to. (Caring about your sister.) Katniss never feels really sorry for Haymitch (a guy who has to deal with kids that lose the Hunger Games every year and die, and so it is perfectly understandable that he is drunk half the time.

       Who wants a job like that? Wouldn't everyone else want to forget all that happens as well?). Katniss as we find out seems to hate everyone in Capitol just because they live there. (It is like hating rich people because they are rich or born that way.)

       Katniss gets upset because Peeta admits that he loves her twice ( the first time is when he says,''She has no idea the effect she has on people.'') , she even tries to hurt him and ( I am pretty sure)shoves him into a wall because of this. She is really smart at times and then the reader does not understand how everyone was suppose to know that,(example: when she knew that lighting a fire at pitch dark was dangerous and the Careers would be coming after you. She thought how could the girl be that dumb.) and then really dumb when it obvious to everyone else including the reader(Peeta actually likes her and is not faking it, and Gale likes her too.

      In the 2nd book, although it was obvious to everyone else, that the girl stabbing the knife in her arm is doing it to save her(keep others from trying to kill her by convincing them that she won't last very long,plus, getting the tractor out of her arm.) she thinks the girl is trying to kill her by stabbing her in the arm when she could have stabbed her in heart if she wanted to do that,).

       She also has no clue how to make up her mind. One minute, she wants to run away the next minute, she wants to fight. One minute she likes Gale, another minute she likes Peeta. Make up your mind Katniss! Another reason why I dislike the books is because the all characters I liked in books died off excluding Peeta. Rue, Thresh, Mags and Cinna, not to mention Finick died throughout the series.

       I understand if these characters had to die for a purpose, but I see no reason why all of these people had to die. Now, Glumpuddle points out that he thinks in the movie that Katniss and Peeta committing suicide would have been a better ending than the actual ending, and I have to agree. (It would have made more sense and caused a greater rebellion in a shorter amount of time.)

     But I am not discussing the movie now. I really also think Collins could have ended this story in the first book and saved all those who died throughout the series. That is yet another reason why I rated these books so low.

     When stories go on and on when the author could have made the story shorter and less characters die, I rate it down a notch.

       And the last reason but not least is this: I asked a kid why he liked the Hunger Games once and said,''It is like my life.'' I don't know how to express what I really felt at that time. No matter what people say to me about the series good or bad is quote stuck with me. How is it like his life? I mean it makes one think a lot. This is why I hate the series and will forever be Anti-Hunger Games.

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