Monday, April 09, 2012

38 reasons why we like Freddie and Carly together by Rebekah Walton

1. he saved her life.
2. they were perfect from the start.
3. blue tea.
4. she never knew he could be so bad.
5. he likes her way more than most soups.
6. the squirrels weren't really fighting.
7. "meant for me" is their song.
8. even T-Bo wants them together.
9. he waited for her.
10. he thinks she's classy.
11. he's determined to be her second husband.
12. she thinks he's cukey.
13. he loves her.
14. they study together.
15. he can pin her down now.
16. they're a honeymoon couple.
17. she likes the way he leaves out the "1".
18. nose kiss.
19. "please...for me?"
20. he's noticed her "getting curvier every day!"
21. she was jealous when he kissed Sam.
22. he has a huge poster of her.
23. his kitty's got claws.
24. foot rub.
25. horses.
26. he would have beaten up Steven for her.
27. she thinks he's cute when he's sleeping.
28. she cares about him.
29. "12 million viewers?!"
30. she was totally feeling the mood.
31. no matter how platonic the scene, their chemistry is evident.
32. cupcakes.
33. they might as well be married.
34. he'd love to stay her baby.
35. he got to taste her lip gloss.
36. she thinks he's a hotpants.
37. he'd never check out of hotel carlyfornia.
38. she has his picture by her bed.

~Updated 2023~

It happened guys! Creddie is canon! The necklace I made online and then bought when I was 14 was not in vain.

Yes, I still have the necklace it was tucked away in my purse for all these years!

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