Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Taking insults as Compliments by Rebekah Walton

Sometimes the best way to take an insult is like a compliment. This leaves the person trying to insult you confused and they can not give a very good comeback.

     Although, I should warn you that these people (the insulters) tend to get really upset and angry when you do this. But before I tell you how to most effectively do this, I must first mention that some people do not know how to insult people at all.

    Whether this is due to their limited vocabulary or the fact that they just don't know you very much at all it does not matter. These people do need help in the area of insulting people, but, as no one really wants to get insulted just tell those people they should use Shakespeare insults or not try to insult people. Shakespeare insults do not insult any one today and a lot of people would never know they were insults so (plus they sound cool.) it is the best way to insult anyone.

       Now, I will discuss how to take an insults as a compliments and give a few real life examples. If someone insults you by saying you are fat the best way to counter this is with either ''Yes, I am , thank you for noticing.'' Or I have been waiting all day for that compliment, thank you very much.'' They should give you a very confused or angry look.

      (Please tell me any funny stories of this if you follow my advice.)

       If someone insults you by saying something about the way you dress the best way to counter this is with exclaiming,''Really you think so!'' and looking really proud of yourself or burst out into laughter and hug them. This should leave them very shocked. Before they can speak again skip off in a happy manner.

      Now for two more instants of life I will give examples that have happened to me.

 Insulter: You are so weird.
Me: Yeah, I know, right? (looking really proud of myself)

Different Insulter completely different time.

 (Warning: I do dislike the Hunger Games, but I will discuss that in a different post.)

 Insulter:Why do you not like the Hunger Games? People with normal brains do.

 Me: Why would I want to be like normal people? Normal people are weird(the bad kind of weird).

Insulter: I was saying Normal brains like the Hunger Games not Normal people.

 Me: Oh, are you saying that I have smarter than normal brains? Thank you!

  So, using these examples in your daily life, work to take insults as compliments. (Also, remember to tell me about any stories that have you doing this in them.)

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