Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sherlock the Tv Show *Spoilers* by Rebekah Waton

This is a very interesting British tv show. If I had heard of this back before I watched Psych or the Sherlock Holmes movie( 2009), my reaction to this tv show would have been different.

 I read a couple of Sherlocks back in the day. Mostly,The Red Headed League, and Speckled Band. But I disliked Sherlock. My favorite character was Dr. Watson.

I found Sherlock really annoying. He just knew too much, and we weren't even usually given enough clues to figure out the mystery. I  have never been one to figure out cases in the first place. Probably the real reason I hated Sherlock had something to do with the Red Headed League.
 I really love people with red hair it is the coolest colour of hair ever. Hmmm.....Mostly likely it has to do with that. I believe I wanted there to be really a Red hair association.

 Also, I felt that Watson was made really dumb in one of the mysteries, that made me upset as well. But enough about that.

 On to the Tv show. I love this show. Sherlock looks so cool and he is smart like Shawn Spencer and Dr. Watson is not as dumb as he seemed in one of the books. They are all awesome.


I love it when Sherlock gets upset at the people pointing a gun at Mrs. H., their landlady.

 I also love in the Baskerville case, how Sherlock tried an experiment on Watson. I also loved how Sherlock apologized to Watson in that episode.

Here are some clips of my favorite scenes so far:

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