Thursday, July 05, 2012

Kevin Swanson-Making a Man by Rebekah Walton

This is not a review on his speech called making a man but more of an overview of what he said. If I am able to later I will put up a posts that includes all the speeches I taped. There will be links to the audio. But for now here is what he basically said.

Young men are able to escape easily nowadays from doing hard work. They checking out of life. We have a problem on our hands. Why do homeschooling moms come home so they can prepare their daughters to leave the home? The answer is: To meet a man and most men / boys  won't leave home till 30. A lot of men are not grown up by 30.
There are three main things we need our men/boys to be or have:

1. Faith-Begin this way
2. Material providers for the home.
3. Spiritual leaders

The non accountability age in the USA is from 15-25 for men.

We have to do something with boys so that non accountability is no longer from 15-25. These Bible verses give us a vision of what men are suppose to be like: 2 Samuel 23:15-Picture of strength-These men were resilient. The Bible also gives us a vision of Faith. 1 Timothy 2:5. Faith is the way we live. Do not do anything without Faith.

We are also told that men are suppose to have Ruling power or Dominion. Genesis 1. God wants our boys to be raised up for Dominion. The job they are suppose to have. Train your boys to work-have them work as a child. Make sure they work at times with their dad.

 If you expect your boys to not work for 18 years and then get a job after that you are expecting too much. They need to have a job now, so that it will be a lifestyle for them. Books, Work, and Worship are needed everyday. Work is so important. Our boys desperately need accountability. They need to be humble and willing to do any kind of work. What we have been doing for the last 5 generations has not worked so do not do it.

In order to be spiritual leaders men need to be engaged in worship everyday. God wants them to work, worship and be spiritual leaders. Husbands need to be the ones answering their wives questions about the truth. You need to start them learning the Bible when they are really young. 1 Corinthians-Sacrifical leaders for their wives and kids. Do not send them off to their own apartment to pay for their own needs, because this will teach them to be selfish, and to only care about themselves. Men need to spend more time with their sons. Investing in nurturing faith and character into our men. Teach your sons what is in the proverbs. Do not forget Mentorship, they need a lot of that when they go off on their own.

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