Friday, July 27, 2012

The Aurora, Colorado Shooting by Rebekah Walton

These last few days have been a struggle for me. Everyone in America and in the World seems to have heard about the shooting that happened in Aurora, Colorado at a movie theater. Twelve Americans were killed, some were kids, adults, and teenagers. For these families who lost a loved one I just want to reach out to them. I did not live lose anyone although I do live in Colorado and I go to Calvary Chapel Aurora. I was not even at the theater but I went to the hour of prayer that my church had and I began to cry out in my heart for these families. Every time I hear about the shooting I start to cry, and most times I cannot stop for a long time. I may not have lost a loved one but I feel all the families’ pain. I have a lot of respect for all those who gave up their life for their loved ones. I want to wish every family hope in peace in Jesus Christ my Savior. This is a great tragedy.
Every time I think of the victims and their families I think of the Chris Tomlin song I Will Rise. My Pastor, Pastor Ed Taylor said that this should be the Aurora Colorado Theme Song. I agree with him. We can get through each day, with God’s help. 

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