Friday, June 29, 2012

Clana in Smallville(Spoilers marked) by Rebekah Walton

Clark and Lana. My sister (the Austenite) and I are annoyed with Lana Lang. She doesn’t seem like that great and she keeps doing things that annoy us. 

Like she is constantly dying, ruining Clark, getting into trouble, not to mention, thanks to her Alicia Baker died, Johnathan Kent died, Clark got sued, Clark released Zod, Clark nearly killed Lex (multiple times), she turned into a witch who tried to kill Clark, and the kryptonite necklace which almost killed Clark on occasions.

Anyway, in short, I don’t really like them as a couple. I understand she is the love of Clark’s life but, really, her, Clark? It makes me question if Clark Kent is really smart at all.

 (In Smallville, I think I can safely say that Lex and Chloe are the smartest people, and Clark does'nt really compare.) 

In my personal opinion, Whitney (Lana’s first boyfriend) deserved someone better than her but I really was bummed to find out that Whitney died in the war.

 I wanted him to come back and be friends with Clark while Clark got someone else. (Most likely at this time Chloe, Alicia wasn’t around at this time.) But for the fans of Clana (I don’t understand but I totally respect your opinion and if she wasn’t so annoying I would be okay with it.) 

I have put a summary of their relationship together and left links to videos and fan fiction links. 

Summary: Clark has been in love with Lana since forever. 

(Spoilers for Season 1)
But Lana has a boyfriend named Whitney. Whitney orignally dislikes Clark but before he goes off to war,Whitney sort of makes up with Clark and asks him to please keep an eye on Lana for him while he is away. (At this time, Clark is together with Chloe.)Whitney assumes that Clark will go out with Chloe and he will get Lana and it will be all good. 
(Spoilers for seasons 2-3)
Clark and Lana become very friends and when Whitney dies they slowly get closer than that. 

(Spoilers for seasons 3-5)
They date for a while break up and Lana dates someone else. Alicia Baker shows up around this time  twice, once in season 3 and several times in Season 4. But later they get back together, Clark tells Lana's his secret and they become engaged.

 (Spoilers for Season 5-7)
But finally she dates Lex and marries him and then fakes her own death. ( I wished that she really did die instead  of just faking her death.)
 That should have been the end of Clark and Lana but apparately not. She shows up in Season 7 and they date again, and she gains Clark's powers off and on. 

(Spoilers for Season 8-10)
They finally break up again and Lana leaves Clark's life. She only is thought of or mentioned in the remaining two seasons.

Links to fan fics:

Links to videos:


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