Friday, June 29, 2012

Homeschool Conference in Colorado (CHEC Conference) by Rebekah Walton

Our family went to the Homeschool Conference this year in Colorado. (Yes, if you didn't know already, I was homeschooled. Now, I go to college.) They had a great many cool workshops and our family went to some of the most interesting ones. The next few posts I will describe what the workshops I went to discuss.

Some of the teachers of the workshops that you will hear about in the next posts are: Ken Ham ( a lot of Ken Ham), Marsha Washburn, Vicki Lewis, Dianne Craft, STOA Colorado, Classical Conversations, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. Kevin Swanson, and Mr. Bill Ward. Some of these I have notes for, some I do not. The notes if I have them will be included in the post, in case you want those. Also, some of those workshops were recorded and I will leave a link in the post.

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