Saturday, June 02, 2012

Calicia in Smallville * Spoilers for Season 3 and 4* by Rebekah Walton

    For those of you wondering why I put Spoilers in the title when the tv show has ended, it is for those who hope to one day watch the show or haven't gotten that far and don't want to be told. This is one of my favorite couples on the show.

I will basically give you a summary of what happens between Clark and Alicia. I will also list a number of fan fictions to read about this shipping and youtube videos made on this couple. Stop reading if you don't want to know about any episodes in Seasons 3 4 or 5.

 Summary: Alicia Baker Commonly known as the first Mrs. Clark Kent or Mrs. Alicia Kent although as it turns out their marriage in episode Unsafe was not legal. She first appears in Obession,Clark and Alicia met while on an economics field trip to LuthorCorp Plaza.

While inside an elevator, the cable snapped and Clark had to stop it. Alicia saw him use his heat vision to destroy a security camera and super-strength to break through a panel to grab a steel support, his hand acting as a brake.

She was shocked and Clark asked her not to tell anyone, and as people started to approach the elevator to see if anyone was hurt, she used her own secret ability to teleport them both out of the elevator and to safety. She in turn asked him not to tell her secret to anyone.

 Alicia and Clark talked about their powers at school before class and later on he tried to ask her out on a date, but got nervous so she asked him out instead. After the date, they talked about how they were different. He dropped her off at her house and they almost kissed, but Clark was too shy and backed off. She went inside and teleported up to her room and watched him drive away. But Alicia becomes obsessed with Clark.

When Clark discovered that she hurt her father, he asked her to turn herself in. She teleported away and he got Chloe's help to set a trap. He painted a room with lead paint out of which she could not teleport, but she used meteor rock against him and escaped. She headed to the Talon to stab Lana to death, but Clark stopped her in time, covering her in lead paint, and neutralizing her abilities. She was sent to Belle Reve for rehabilitation.

 Season 4

 Alicia was taken to Belle Reve where she was treated by Dr. William McBride, who later released her, but with a special bracelet that prevented teleporting. She immediately came to visit Clark, wanting to prove that she was better.

 He was wary at first, and she apologized for hurting him before. His parents were also worried that she was let out of Belle Reve, and suggested he stay away from her. Clark got Chloe to hack into Alicia's medical file, and discovered that she was diagnosed with Histrionic personality disorder, but was cured.

Clark and Alicia reunited and went on a date where she saw Dr. McBride watching her. He told her to stay away from Clark or he'd have her committed again. Alicia was unable to face the stigma of what she had done before her treatment and decided to run away.

She asked Clark if he wanted to come with her, and he thought she was kidding at first. When he realized she was serious, he told her he couldn't just leave town. After all he has a life here and her too. Alicia decided to take matters into her own hands and broke into the Torch office where she found a red kryptonite ring and used it to make Clark a necklace.

 She asked him to wear it for her before she left for California (saying she wouldn't teleport, but that she had her parents' car outside). He agreed and put it on, immediately changing into his Kal persona.

 Clark asked her to marry him. And right away, she said yes in happiness. He broke off her bracelet and they teleported to Las Vegas, getting "married" in a low-rated wedding chapel and renting a hotel room to consummate their marriage.

 Before they did, however, Alicia removed the necklace, deciding she wanted "all of Clark", not just the bad boy. He immediately snapped out of it and began to argue with her, claiming that she 'drugged him'. He also argues that the ring "makes me do things I don't want to do," while she counters that it simply releases him of inhibitions. She says that it was him all along, claiming that "Clark Kent brought me up to this room to make love to me."

This appeared to sway Clark for a moment, until he said that "Clark Kent made a mistake." She teleported away before he could stop her. Clark returned to Smallville to find her. Dr. McBride confronted Clark and blamed Clark for ruining his "greatest achievement", planning to frame him for stalking Alicia, kidnapping her, and forcing her to marry him. He pulled a gun on him, but Alicia showed up in time to stop the bullet from hitting Clark.

Clark pushed Dr. McBride out of the way and asked Alicia why she took the bullet, since it wouldn't have hurt him. She replied by saying that she was honoring her promise to protect his secret. As she was recuperating in the hospital, she apologized to Clark, saying she just didn't want to lose him. He told her he wanted her "with or without that rock." He returned her broken lead bracelet and left. Later, she visited him in his loft and he was happy to see her wearing her bracelet. She thanked him for helping her "be a better person" and told him that even though they couldn't be together, she still had feelings for him and would never tell anyone his secret.

She told him she loved him and walked away, but he caught her and she broke down crying in his arms. Back together, Clark took Alicia to the Talon on karaoke night. Everyone stopped and stared and Lana was hurt that Clark would date her after she tried to kill her. Alicia asked Lana to give her another chance, but Lana walked away. When Lana was later attacked by an invisible predator, everybody believed it to be Alicia. Clark defended her and claimed she was with him at the time of the attack and that she was wearing her lead bracelet.

 He later discovered that she had stopped wearing her lead bracelet, saying she didn't think she needed it. She felt not being able to use her powers felt like being in prison. She swore she hadn't attack Lana. When Jason Teague was attacked in his car, Alicia's green scarf was found around Jason's neck. Clark couldn't ignore the evidence and became suspicious of Alicia.

He confronted her and asked her to turn herself in and she argued with him, telling him if people knew about his secret, they might suspect him, too. He asked her to at least explain it to the sheriff, she agreed, but only if he also exposed his powers, too.

He told her he could not do that and she simply teleported away. Alicia visited Chloe Sullivan at the Torch and arranged a "demonstration" for her and exposed her to Clark's superhuman abilities, unbeknownst to him. Alicia returned home to find another student, Tim Westcott, rummaging through her things "looking for evidence" to plant, intending to frame her for his next murder. He drugged her and killed her before Clark could find her to apologize for not believing her.

Clark found her hanging from a beam in her barn. He burned through the rope with his heat vision, but to his horror, she was already dead. Clark located and eventually overpowered Tim in a grief-stricken rage, and attempted to strangle him. However, Lois Lane begged him before he killed Tim, and he eventually relented. Clark felt immense guilt over the fact that he didn't trust or believe her. He felt he should have gone with her to reveal his secret so people wouldn't have judged her and she might still be alive. He later visited her grave to say goodbye, and was consoled by Chloe.

Clark is very depressed and doesn't eat or really move from his place in the barn for over a number of days.
Links to fan fics enclosured in this post:

 More on fan fiction just look!

 Links to videos:

 Much more, just check youtube!

 Moments with Clark and Alicia videos:

 Check out more on Youtube or watch the episodes!

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