Friday, October 17, 2008

Pluto is a planet! by Rebekah Walton

Pluto is a planet. I support the Society for the Preservation of Pluto as a Planet! If you still don't believe Pluto is a planet or want to prove that it is go here:
Even some people have protested this on the streets:
I think it would be very fun to do this. Maybe when February 4,2008 comes around I'll go protest for a Saturday too. Or maybe on my birthday, February 25. Maybe Pluto is a planet birthday party! Cool!I would love to go to party like that!


Anonymous said...

Do you? Do you really? Did you know that their are objects in our solar system that are bigger than Pluto that are not planets? Huh? If Pluto is a planet, then shouldn't they be as well?

Rebekah Walton said...

Yes, I know that. But I don't think they should be. There are nine planets, no matter what anyone else says. No more no less. I have nothing against anyone who thinks otherwise. This is my personal belief.

Anonymous said...

Actually, there's only ONE known object---besides Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune---that goes around the Sun and is larger than Pluto. That's Eris, discovered in January 2005. Pluto is a planet, and I have no problem calling Eris a planet. In fact, Pluto and Eris are twins, much as Uranus and Neptune are: they have nearly the same diameter, density, and composition.

Rebekah Walton said...

Actually, you have a very good point. I have decided Eris is a planet too. My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Party Eclairs. That sounds good to me!