Monday, July 30, 2012

Chlex in Smallville (Spoilers for Seasons 1-10) by Rebekah Walton

Lex and Chloe. They are overall the two smart people on the show. Clark has his times and so does Lana, Pete or Clark Kent's father and mother, but really Lex and Chloe are smart all the time. Lex knows a lot about history (including Biblical history), and books in general. He knows how to fence and he know how to protect Clark's family (he did so for a lot of episodes) or anyone for that matter. He even protects Chloe and grows worried when she disappears.

He even warns Chloe about his father being dangerous.And occasions they both save each other from dieing. Not to mention in the alternate reality where Lex marries Lana and they have a boy, Chloe and Lex are very close friends and he seems to enjoy this fact that they are friends very much when he goes to that reality.

Both Lex and Chloe have saved Clark on occasion and they are both extremely close friends of Clark, and Clark did not trust either of them well enough to tell his secret to them. Chloe found out because of Alicia basically showing her the truth, and Lex has found out so many times it is not even funny.

 I think that one day a bunch of Smallvillacs (fans of Smallville) were sitting in a room complaining about how Chloe loves Clark for years,and they only get together in one episode and the next episode they break up. In the same room, some of them were discussing how smart Lex was but how his choices of girls seem to fall flat.

When suddenly some fan who was listening to both conversations said, ''Hey, I have an idea, Lex is super smart, right?''  Everyone in the room began to nod their heads as it is true. ''Chloe is the smart best friend of Clark, right? How about Chloe and Lex get together?''the fan finishes.

 Everyone in the room grins as that makes perfect sense and begins to think of moments that could be considered couple moments.

When suddenly one fan pipes up from the crowd to present their objections to this couple. ''Lex is so much older than Chloe.'' But his objection was countered with,''Lex and Lana are cannon on the show the age difference is clearly not a problem.''

So, that fan gave up. All the rest of the fans immediately began to write fanfiction on this couple. Soon there were a lot of pages on The more video inclined fans began to fill up youtube with Chlex videos. This couple is my second favorite shipping for Lex.

I may have to discuss in another post Chloe and all her pairings with guys that are not Chlark and Chlex related because there are a lot of them.
Summary with any real spoilers:

 She became involved with him indirectly through her father, who worked for LuthorCorp, and through her relationship with Clark, who also had a close friendship with Lex Luthor

 Anyway, on to the Spoilers summary of this pairing:

Chloe first met Lex, when Clark arranged for Lex to give her an interview for 'The Torch'. Lex invited Chloe to his wedding to Desiree Atkins, indicating that they were on the verge of a friendship. Lex gave Chloe a friendly warning when he discovered that she was investigating Lionel's past crimes. He was clearly concerned for Chloe's safety, as he knew what his father was like.

Lex was extremely protective of Chloe during her stay in the safe house, even keeping the truth from Clark. He worried about Chloe when he discovered that she had been kidnapped from her safe house, although it was clear that this was only because he needed Chloe to convict his father.

 Once the court case was over, their relationship broke down a little, as Chloe was keen to dissociate herself from the Luthors. Nevertheless, Chloe was keen to help Clark exonerate Lex when he was accused of murder

Even when Clark began to doubt Lex's innocence, Chloe persisted and uncovered vital evidence to prove his innocence. In the alternate reality Christmas episode, Lex and Chloe are close friends. Despite their past hostility, Lex came to Chloe's aid, at Jimmy's request, to clear her name when the Department of Domestic Security believed her to be a terrorist

At the end, Lex keeps an eye on Chloe as he watched her wedding video, after Doomsday attacked.

Videos of Lex and Chloe:

Links to fan fics of this shipping:

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